Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Changes are coming...and Blooming Boxes are here!

Very exciting stuff is in the works for SarahBear's Cards & Creations. First off, below is one of our newest creations -- The Blooming Box. This unique album has so many layers for pictures, you will be surprised!! Each layer is made of different paper, but together they make one beautiful album. They haven't made it to the web site yet, but they will soon! They will retail for $25.

Also, after reviewing our survey from returning customers as well as potential customers, SarahBear's is branching out to Etsy! Our store is in the process of being built, so for those of you who are a little uneasy about creating and designing your own Photo Tin or Star Album, we will make it easy by having actual creations to buy -- just as we do when we sell at the local holiday boutiques. Don't wait though, once it's sold, it's gone. SarahBear's doesn't make any two items EXACTLY the same. You will be able to find our Etsy store by going to our web site: and clicking on the Etsy's that simple!

Keep an eye out for the new should be in place by the end of August...just in time for the kids to go back to school! Until then, enjoy the rest of your summer!

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